What is the best nas for home use unifi ubiquiti
What is the best nas for home use unifi ubiquiti

I thought it would be a useful blog post, but I never expected so many other people would then go out and rebuild their own networks in a similar fashion.

what is the best nas for home use unifi ubiquiti

I was sick of the problems I was having with crappy consumer grade gear and I wanted to do things properly, so I put in all the research, went and bought a couple of thousand Aussie dollars' worth of gear and did exactly what the blog title suggests. Ok, getting (a bit more) serious for a moment, a few months ago I wrote about how I finally fixed my dodgy wifi where I rebuilt my home network from the ground up with Ubiquiti products. This makes every day, normal activities like connecting to the home NAS to watch movies via Plex whilst sitting on the docked ski difficult and clearly, something had to be done.

what is the best nas for home use unifi ubiquiti what is the best nas for home use unifi ubiquiti

Or my own unique challenge: not having a decent wifi signal whilst my jet ski is moored on the jetty out the back of the house.

What is the best nas for home use unifi ubiquiti