Warren township high school+aubrey
Warren township high school+aubrey

warren township high school+aubrey

Two evening events will be held each fall to assist parents and students who are entering 9th grade in gathering information for the course selection process. I wish them nothing but the best.The course selection screens in PowerSchool for the 2023-24 school year will be open from December 5 to December 12, 2022. Because of this, they are better prepared for their future endeavors than they realize. They have also learned the importance of being respectful of our differences, being resilient in the face of adversity, the power of being engaged and committed to academics, and the value of being flexible to navigate new realities they have never faced. They are better prepared to pivot when needed, understand what is important to them, have a better understanding of their community, and they have developed critical skills needed to be successful. They may not have had the traditional high school events and activities throughout the past school year, but they have already experienced what the challenges of daily life are like. We are a large high school, but what makes this group so special is how they have prepared for life after high school. Although we thought much of the experience that the Class of 2020 endured, the Class of 2021 has had an experience like no other and has been resilient through it all. The Class of 2021 has been a special class at Warren Township High School and they will never be forgotten. Principal's reflections on the Class of 2021: Senior Class gift: Class of 2021 face coverings with WTHS Class of 2021 logos provided to each member of the Class of 2021 to wear at the graduation ceremony and commemorate graduating during the ongoing pandemic. Spring Musical: The Addam's Family, A New Musical.Fall Dinner Theatre: Letters I've Never Sent.Rachel McCulloch: Group Interpretation All Sectional Honors: Theater productions:.Nidhi Shanmugam: Speech Team Regional Champion in Impromptu Speaking.The Science Olympiad Team qualified for state, placed 23 out of 59 teams.Max Floriani- IHSSCA All-State 2019-20, 2020-21 All-American 2020-21 Extracurricular achievements:.

warren township high school+aubrey

Annie Stingle - Girls Swimming & Diving - State Qualifier 2020-21.

Warren township high school+aubrey